Rivals: Dogs Vs Squirrels

About us


Velvet – Mastermind behind the Rivals Universe, and evil creative genius in charge of this mess, She’s the ringleader of an Independent 3-ring circus where the clowns seem to be running the show. A philanthropist and creative force that never stops, she’s got an awful lot in common with that little pink bunny everyone knows and loves. The olive in that dirty martini, it’s quite possible that she’s really the one that stole Percy’s blanket and ran it up the flagpole in Squirrel Haven.

Chiko Suave

Velvet’s partner in crime from the time before the war, he’s been known to slip up and help out Team Dog “inadvertently”, now and then. An aspiring yachtsman, social media magnate, and huge fan of Polka classics, he’s still her right-hand man, in spite of the state of current Affairs. A kind, sensitive and loving family squirrel, he is known for his generous spirit and capacity to love everyone.


Master of Games, Blackbelt in the FlyTrap Arts, he is a certified genius blessed with the patience of a hunter and the speed of a cheetah. A technical wizard that can make even the mundane exciting, he is the life of the party and the butter on the bread. His genuine spirit and love for his craft, make him a valued member on Wilderness Lane and Velvet’s go to cat for those tough jobs that require attention to details she knows very little about.


A natural born Game Maker and Master of Puppets, he is supremely gifted at reading Velvet’s mind and bringing to life the complexities of her vision. A detail oriented and brilliant tech wizard, he has the capability of seeing what cannot be seen and can skillfully bring it to any reality. A gifted conceptualizer, he is Wilderness Lane’s certified “Dog Whisperer” and is a master of augmenting reality in ways that always make magic happen.


Loyal and trustworthy, Rex has a bird’s eye view of all matters security and helps to deliver reality checks to Velvet’s vision on a daily basis. Brilliant and crafty, this bird has no problems ruffling everyone’s feathers to keep them all in line. The Master of Discord, and controller of all the Agents of Chaos, he is a trusted confidant of Velvet in spite of his loyalties to Team Squirrel. It’s highly probable that he was in on the heist and hoist mission that started this chain reaction. You just never can tell when it comes to Rex.


Technical genius and capable master of the inner webs, he has a way of making sure that all things work just right. A strong member of Team Dog, he had Velvet’s trust and friendship almost immediately and his snazzy wardrobe and sense of style has garnered him the coveted position of Wilderness Lane’s Overseer of Communications with the rest of the world. His eye for design and raging acumen for technology puts him at the top of his game and in a class all by himself.


Wilderness Lane couldn’t handle another Luka. His spirit of mischief and appetite for mystery made him the Guru of all things “Cryptic.” A brilliant mind with an eye to the future, his LukaLink is a token of fortune and charity to all of the animals of the world, especially those on Wilderness Lane. Simply put, his genius helped to bring about the diabolical war that rages now and will continue long into the future after his work is done.
The Rivals: Dogs Vs Squirrels Universe, Games, Artworks, Concepts, Copyrights, and Trademarks are all part of a unique, and privately owned Intellectual Property belonging to XEF Media, LLC, a US Florida based Limited Liability Company. The intention of developing the Rivals Animal Shelter Fund is a stated mission for this project. To be considered as a candidate for future funding grants or for information on licensing please email: [email protected]. All rights reserved.
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